Summer is here!

And so is the humidity! Ran today, my long run/walk (3.18 mi.). Went out at 6:00am, pre-dawn. So humid. I don't know what this summer will bring. It's time to buy a water pouch to carry along with me now while exercising. If not to drink, I can always pour it over my head to help cool down. Still working at 25 sec. run/35 sec. walk per minute. I have NOT gotten on a scale this week.

Seven months till race time. Is it crunch time? I think it is time for me to really get serious about what I'm eating. I've got to remind myself what is important to me and why I decided to take this exercise challenge and continue to work towards my goal. I'm not having problems with the exercise part. I'm going to work on my mind. Thinking before I eat, staying away from sweets, sugar, desserts, and limiting my bread/carb intake. I will eat more fruits and vegetables! This has got to work. Stay positive.

If you like what you're reading and would like to follow along on my fitness journey, you can read my previous post here. And stop back weekly for updates!

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