An herb garden
When asked what kind of garden I am planning this year, I have to admit, none. As we live in a condo with all kinds of rules, it makes it quite difficult to have anything planted outside in the ground. Now inside, the cats would nibble on them! But, in our last apartment that we lived in, we had a patio outside with a little grassy area, and that is where I experimented with planting herbs. I love fresh herbs! They really perk up foods and add great flavors to many dishes. I planted: basil, oregano, dill, chives, mint...that's all I really remember, although I may have tried a couple others. What makes it a little difficult is that some herbs require more or less of watering, and some herbs like direct sunlight, and some don't. Overall, it is quite easy to grow herbs. As a matter of fact, some do grow like weeds! I remember having so much of some that I would take them to work and give away to others. ...