Spring, in Florida? It's hard to comment on a season that you sort of don't have here. I mean typically we have warm, hot, and the rainy season. I guess you could say that it is now spring and our spring here on the gulf coast could look like summer to many others in different parts of the U.S. Temperatures could range from the 60's to the 80's. The trees look basically the same. Lots of green, although some have retreated for the "so called winter", and some grass appears dead, dry, like hay. But we do have the birds, beaches and some of these: I must say that I do like spring, and having been transplanted from the northern states of the U.S., I can appreciate when the snow melts, the birds come back, it starts to warm up, the trees begin to bloom, and flowers come back to life. As far as spring activities; well, it does give me a chance to make some jewelry that is season related; thus my "Springtime Splendor earrings": http://www.etsy.com/view_lis...