The Anger Wookbook ~ A book review
The Anger Workbook~ by Les Carter, Ph.D. and Frank Minirth, M.D. This is an interactive guide for anyone who has struggled with anger issues, or displaced emotions. Breaking it down to a “13 step” process, the text thoroughly explores topics such as, identifying your anger, emotions, personality complexes, learned patterns of thinking, etc. Dr. Carter uses examples of people, who have gone through counseling and shares their stories, so the reader can identify with true life issues in relationships. There are check lists and probing question sections in each chapter, to help one do some soul searching. Each chapter does touch on the spiritual principles that can be used to counter negative emotions. Some scripture references are sighted, but not overly religious. I found this book to be a thorough guide, not just for someone struggling with anger, but also for anyone in relationships. This does include all of us, since we do have to relate to humans on a daily basis. This co...