
Showing posts from July 16, 2009

We had visitors

As I look out on the lawn this morning, what do I see? Not one, not two, but three deer! Feeding on the grass! I could not believe how close they came to the house. So I had to take photos through the screened in porch, as to not scare them away. So nice living on a nature preserve. Would you believe that I've spent the last 3 days, networking on line, updating my shops and reading ALL of the Merchants Handbook on 1000 Markets? No time to make jewelry! I thought I would get at least some earrings made today, but as I look at the clock, it's 2:30pm and I have to leave to meet a friend at 3:30. Anyway....what else is new? Well, I've been trying to really take care of my body, and watch what I eat. So I can say that I've successfully have been exercising more, about 3-4 days a week. I'm trying not to eat snacks all day long, since I'm home. Started drinking fruit smoothies that I make myself, to keep hunger away, and trying to eat more salads, and smaller portions....