
Showing posts from January 6, 2009

Picture of the Week

Does this help at all? I didn't think last week's picture was that difficult to figure out, but that's probably because I'm so used to seeing these. HIDDEN MICKEYS What are hidden mickeys? You can check out this site if you have the desire. Some of you know how much we are Disney freaks. Yes, we are here in Florida, and tend to go many times through the year. Everywhere, all over Disney World there are faces or profiles of Mickey Mouse hidden. They can be found in the attractions, wall paintings, architecure, the ground, just everywhere! So we got obscessed about finding them. Ie: scavenger hunt. So we bought this book. And took it on own next trip to see how many we could find. I think I'm a master now, we have found some that were not even in the book. Here's one of my favorites; it's really more of a "decorative" Mickey than a hidden one. Still, one of my favs. This is a drain grate in a pond th...