Post show wrap up and a walk in my booth
In a word, disaster. I'm really thinking about not doing outdoor shows any more. I did poorly at this show; actually lost money on this one. I think I was "out of my league". There were so many professional full-time artists at this show. I knew some of the jewelry designers- mostly high end, and a few new ones that I talked to-their jewelry was so professional- some did not even look handmade. Now this was a juried show- and they did accept my work- but really I don't think I fit in. It was an upscale community, but I think my jewelry concepts were more geared for a younger crowd than was there. Most of the shoppers were older- retirees- with a flair of "ritzy"- my best description that I can come up with. So then you have to ask yourself, "are the sponsors of the show just trying to fill spots and make money?" Money-the bottom line These juried shows are so expensive, then you have to have a completely "boutique-look" booth ...