This is one of the hardest things I've tried to do

Update: This morning's run: 2.3 miles at a new interval speed of 25sec. run/ 35sec walk per minute. I wanted to increase to 30/30 starting this week, but making the 25/35 is challenging enough for me right now. Cooler outside, a bit of a breeze, and very cloudy for my run this a.m. Body felt heavy during this workout this morning. Did abs also. I'm glad I got out early enough before the rain started this morning.

No weight change.

And here is my problem. I definitely have a problem with sugar. I need to avoid it all the way. I am constantly struggling with this "diet" plan. Doing Weight Watchers if you did not know. I'm honestly tracking my points, but I can't get past the bad foods I end up eating. I love sweets! It is so hard to avoid, refuse, or just not think about eating something sweet. A true sugar addiction.

Don't let me grocery shop alone. I can't be trusted. Today, I told myself that I would not buy any snacks, treats, sugar for the week. I figure if I don't keep it in the house, I won't be tempted to eat it. I did buy healthy vegetables, tofu, quinoa, (our weekly pizza treat), and bananas as the only real sweet. Then came the chip isle. I had a craving; bought chips at 40% less fat than regular chips; then proceeded to eat them on the way home. And finished the entire bag! It's like I'm searching for the hidden prize at the bottom of the bag, when the only thing I get is the shame of gluttony. It's just an illusion.
And that's my confession for today.

To read my previous post, go here.

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