Making progress with small goals

*Weight loss update: down 2 pounds
*Got myself new running shoes-Definitely makes a difference. Great heel support and great cushioning. Glad I made the purchase.

*Current routine: Trying to walk/train 3x's a week. On 2 days, I do 2 miles with the Jeff Galloway's "run/walk/run" method. The other day I do a long walk (3 miles). I am surprised how the body does adjust to running so quickly. I did not think I could run at my current weight, but I can! Slowly making progress.

*The Noom app: I can't recommend it. Not as personal guidance as they describe. Costs too much. Didn't learn anything that I didn't already know. Too complicated to track foods eaten. I've decided to continue to track using Weight Watcher's. I really need to track what I eat to be accountable.

Run Disney's marathon for next January begins registration in April. I cannot believe it. So I have to commit very soon. I'm ready; mentally that is- the physical will come. Keep following my progress!

To read my previous post, go here.

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