What juries want

As promised, I wanted to finish my thoughts concerning getting into juried art shows. You may remember I made a mention of it last week here.
I may be revealing some deep secret information here; I just don't know. Maybe it's just because I am still a novice at this stuff, and am learning as I go. I have applied to many shows. Many, that are juried events, requiring an artist to send in photos of their work and booth display. Well, I've had enough practice with photographing individual jewelry pieces for my Etsy shop, and must admit it has taken me about 3 years to finally get photos they way I want them.
An I always thought a good booth shot would show, that, yes, I have a white tent. And a nice banner, plus of course, my work on display. WRONG- fine art juried events do not want to see your tent, or you, or your name in this shot. For jewelry artists, they want to see the jewelry display close up, to see how "esthetically pleasing" your display is. They are not judging your work here. So essentially you could have beautifully designed jewelry, and a booth shot that doesn't get the judges approval, and that shot could have you not accepted into a show.
Now I get it with artists, say, who paint, and that is their medium. It makes sense to be fair by requiring specific guide lines, such as photo specifics, so that the judges are only judging the same sized and produced photos. Does this make sense?
So not only do you have to be a great artist in your medium, you must also be a master photographer, and computer wizard with photo shop!
I put my money and effort into constructing fine pieces of jewelry, not into expensive display pedestals and fancy weight bags. (Which you will be judged on.)
So the dilemma is: do I sacrifice the quality of jewelry, in order to purchase high end show materials? ON A BUDGET! Doesn't this keep out some great artisans, who live for their work; their blood, sweat, and tears?
Well, I guess you must play by (others) rules, if you want to play the game.

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