Last weekend's show

It was a pretty good show, dispite the wind and lack of the expected crowd turnout. I had steady sales most of the day, but nothing that big. For a juried show, my expectations may have been a bit high. It was s windy, that I thought it would be a good idea to at least put up my back wall. Not a good idea. It served more like a sail, pulling the tent forward. Now I wish I would have bought the mesh curtains that I was thinking about buying before I made this investment. But the walls are needed also, especially if I'm doing a 2 day event. Here's a few photos from the show; early after set up- they are not the greatest.

My booth neighbor: he makes metal sculptures from recycling old washing machines.

The park was much smaller that I expected. Only about 25-30 booths.

I did manage to get a custom order from this show, that I need to get working on this week. Then I have another show on Sunday. I'm in my state of creative chaos this week. I forgot that I had to work 3 days this week for someone on vacation.
Last night was my PAVA meeting, where we had guest speakers who talked about what judges are looking for when you send in your work for juried fine art shows, and a photographer expert who talked about how to create the best photos to send to events.
I have to say it left not only me, but others somewhat frustrated. I'll save my thoughts for another day's post.

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A show in the park sounds like fun :) Outdoor shows always worry me though! Congrats on the custom order.
Hope today's show is a success!

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