Weekend Update
Good Monday morning everyone! My open house on Saturday was good. Not many people for a turnout, but good sales. So I am happy with that. I got a couple of custom orders from it as well. Today, I'll keep busy, as I have lot's to do. Various appointments, a little Christmas shopping, still looking for a part-time job, and I plan to call some local boutiques today to try and get my jewelry in their shops. I've been putting this off for quite awhile now; I don't know why, because I kept telling myself, that I don't have enough items yet, don't have my portfolio updated yet, but the real reason could be fear, discomfort, or plain laziness. I'm getting it in gear today!
My Mom's in town from Oregon for the next 6 months (I think). Yes, call her a "snow bird" here. She wanted me to make her a simple turquoise necklace with beads that she bought, so I finished that yesterday. Here's a few photos from my weekend. Have a great day!

My Mom's in town from Oregon for the next 6 months (I think). Yes, call her a "snow bird" here. She wanted me to make her a simple turquoise necklace with beads that she bought, so I finished that yesterday. Here's a few photos from my weekend. Have a great day!

Good job and good for you!!!
Hugs to you, :) :)