When something isn't working, it's time to make a change

August is proving to be quite challenging for me and my workouts. It's become too humid to actually run, for me anyway. I'm thinking about not running for the next few weeks, but will do a long fast walk once a week, if bearable. Today is did an aerobic workout indoors. It was quite challenging in itself. But a good workout. I'm currently alternating weight training; one day upper body, one day lower body. It's enjoyable, which is good also.

My diet plan is not working. In fact, I'm gaining. So here is where I need to make a change. I'm thinking about doing the "keto" diet, and have started to eat this way this week. I'm hoping my husband will like this food and benefit from it too.
I am going to see a dietician as well. Hopefully, I'll get this weight thing under control. My new weight loss goal at this time is 23 lbs. I'll be grateful for the fall weather!

To view my previous post, and follow along, go here.

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