Back to blogging, updates, and links

HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's about time that I got back to blogging. So I'm making the effort to keep this blog going with updates on my jewelry business, Devine Designs Jewelry, book reviews, and user friendly content. What would you like to see on my blog this year? Leave me a message in the comments!

I'm using a new computer system, so bear with me as I learn.

You can view my show schedule in the side bar, with current updates. Sign up for my newsletter also in the side bar. You'll receive updates on shows, sales, and special discounts, only for my newsletter subscribers.

I'm learning some new jewelry making techniques, such as granulation, (see photo) just to name one. I figure I've got to stand out and be a little bit different that other jewelry designers, currently in my area, who I am constantly in the same shows with. This means I'm going to have to update my current metalsmithing set up that I have; but growth is good. New jewelry designs will be coming this year. I'll be updating/replacing my Etsy shop with new jewelry soon too.

Although I didn't complete my personal reading challenge for 2016, I just committed to a new one for 2017. You can see that below in the side bar, and follow me on Goodreads, here.

Also new, you can follow me on Instagram, here. And Pinterest, here.

My first show/event will be this weekend, Jan 7-8 at the Art Pool Gallery in St. Pete, Fl. If you're local, I'd love for you to stop by this eclectic gallery and check out the market. It's my first time here, and I'd love to see some familiar faces!

On a more personal note, I'd like to loose 15 more pounds. I've lost 35 so far doing Weight Watchers. It's working!

That's all for now. Let's go out and make the best of 2017!

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