Gratutude~ A prayer and Praise Coloring Journal

Just as the title states; this is a prayer and praise coloring journal for meditation, creative journaling, prayer, self-expression, praise and gratitude for God's gifts.
This is a beautifully constructed book, in hard cover complete with over 100 pages of colorful, and well planned out prayers and positive affirmations all with Biblical verses included.

With every turn of the page you will find different topics with a prayer followed by a Biblical verse, or an affirmation statement. And on the adjacent page will be an affirmation or a simple guide for you to follow, where you can add your comments, thoughts, personal prayers, gratitude lists or whatever your thoughts are.
While color is used throughout the journal, making it visually stimulating, there are lots of places and drawings where you can use your creative expression and make it your own.
I'm really happy with this selection. And I do plan to use it for meditation and creative output. This journal seems to be a great guide to help with getting centered, getting closer to God, and just for some "me time".
This would make a great gift book also. This book is part of a series of "Living Expressions". You can find more like this here. I rate this one with 5 stars. And, I received this book from Tyndale House Publishing in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Memories for Life said…
I'm loving all the fun adult-coloring books. And I like the take on this one as well.
Unknown said…
I love the inspirational take on the coloring pages.

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