Rest Assured~ A book Review

A Recovery Plan for Weary Souls, by Vicki Courtney

A book written for all those who are too busy taking care of everything, and everybody else. This two part guide identifies the problem with busyness and explains what is really important and how to find true rest and solitude. This guide is written for the Christian reader, as one will discover throughout the many biblical references mentioned in the reading. Of course, the reader would know this as the author states in chapter 5 to “prioritize your time and the number one thing we need is time with God”.
More of the recovery in part 2 of the book guides the reader through chapters such as: Time for Solitude, Time for Leisure, and Time for Others.
There is a bonus chapter, much like a 30 day reader, in which are daily prayers and passages from the Bible to reflect upon for that day.
A second bonus gives a list of 100 ways to take a rest. There are some great, and simple suggestions here.
I really enjoyed this book. It is not meant to rush through and read. Part two especially would be good to work through a week at a time especially if this topic speaks to you. The book is written as a guide to be used alone or as group study. Each chapter concludes with thought provoking questions, and then a challenge, or “intervention” as the author calls it. I enjoyed the author’s writing style. This would make a great gift for a woman friend whether in a church group or not.
I received this book in exchange for my honest opinion from BookLook Bloggers.

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