My top 5 jewelry making resources for the beginner

It's been a long time coming since I've shared any tips about jewelry making and the business of it. So here's a list of my top 5 picks for the beginner jewelry designer.

Top 5 resources to get you own your way to jewelry making:

1.Rena Klingenberg-You'll find everything here. Jewelry making tutorials, Q&A, business resources, articles, books written by Rena, and much,much, more. My favorites are these:
And don't forget to sign up for her newsletter here.

2. Sharilyn Miller-Best known for her series on wire and beaded jewelry making. I started out with her books and videos. "Bead on a wire" is a classic.
You can find all of her books, DVD's and offerings here.

3. Lisa Niven Kelly (Beaducation)-A lot of good instructors have come out of and come to Beaducation. I have followed and purchased from this site for many years. They now offer free tutorials, and an array of jewelry making supplies to compliment the tutorials and classes available, plus they offer unique findings that are difficult to find. Lisa Niven Kelly started Beaducation. I love her style of teaching. She has authored, "Stamped Metal Jewelry", a really good book if you like metal stamping.

4. Interweave Press-It's a large umbrella under which you will find many crafts, including jewelry making, tutorials, books, magazines, newsletters and much more. Authors to look for, (for the beginner), Denise Peck, Helen Driggs

5. Marketing and selling your handmade jewelry (book)-
this was the first book I read about the business side of jewelry making. It is an easy read and full of useful information. (Pretty basic)

I hope you enjoyed my list. Please feel free to leave a comment, or share any resource that you have found helpful in your creative business. More to follow.

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dreneewilson said…
What a helpful post for others! :)

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