New Beauty Test Tube Review~ Part 2

After another week of tying out the rest of the products I got in my Beauty Test Tube, here are the results.

This is suppose to be a temporary fix to sagging eye lids. They claim to "erase the signs of aging" and provide an "instant eye lift" without surgery. These medical grade "strips" are to be applied to the eyes? Yeah, that's as far as I got. I can't imagine being so vain that I would buy these things, and apply them every day. And what happens on days that you don't use them. Come on, I don't want to look like Joan Rivers! I'll just age gracefully, thank you.

Glo-therapeutics-gentle cream cleanser:This cleanser contains natural ingredients and antioxidants; cleanses the skin gently and even removes eye make-up. No fragrance, no burning of the eyes. This product I'm really enjoying.
The size that came in the test tube was a 2 oz. pump. I use 4 pumps for my entire face and neck. Full size product is 6.7 oz. and retails for $37.00.

The last product from Hada Labo of Tokyo-"Replenishing Hydrator". Now it's not a moisturizer. It's a "hydration booster".
Clear liquid hyaluronic acid. I wasn't expecting this to be a liquid. I was hoping for a moisturizer, but this product says to use anytime your skin needs moisture, and can be applied over make-up. That would be like splashing water over your face after applying make-up. So if you need moisture, you would need to apply this plus a moisturizer. Why not just invest in a good moisturizer that does the job? This product seems like hype to me. Don't buy it if you don't need it.
I have mixed emotions about this new Beauty Test Tube. I'm giving it one more month.

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