Secrets of Dynamic Communication by Ken Davis

A complete and detailed, step by step guide to being the best public speaker that you can be. Written for anyone who must give speeches, lectures, talks, or any kind of message, author Ken Davis uses his own SCORRE method to teach the reader complete instructions on giving the best presentation you can, while avoiding common mistakes often overlooked by the speaker.
The SCORRE method uses focused steps to keep the presenter on topic, keep the audience interested and connected to the presentation, and also helps the speaker to look, feel and have the most impact on an audience.
The reader will find the appendix full of examples, ranging from topics, key words, types of talks;(persuasive or enabling), and a worksheet to help a speaker outline any given speech.
I chose to read this book hoping to find information that would help me better my communication skills, especially in sales. I found it a bit boring to read- probably a better book for those who do work on a stage in front of an audience and not a book for sales techniques. Also, I found the biblical references to be out of place in this book. You can come to your own conclusions if you choose to read.
I received this book from in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Holly said…
Great review. That's neat that it includes worksheets to plan out a speech! I have to admit I have always been a terrible public speaker, but thankfully my courses are online right now so I don't have to worry about doing any school presentations.
cindy said…
Thanks for your comment Holly!

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