19th annual downtown Sarasota Arts and Crafts Festival

This is where you'll find me this weekend. Saturday and Sunday, Oct 19th-20th. This is a great fall art show. There are unique shops and restaurants located along Main Street.
Come on out and make a day of it. For more details about the show, go here.

There is also a farmer's market Saturday morning starting at 7:00 am, located at Lemon St. and Main St. More info here.

The street will be lined with various artists and crafts people. I will have lots of new jewelry including rings and new post style earrings. Let's go shopping!

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Good luck at your how :) I have my first fall show that weekend as well. How did it get to be fall show season so quickly!?!
cindy said…
I don't know. Time sure flies! Best of luck with your show as well.

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