Our new family member

Our new family member, "Monkey".
An unexpected one, as we found her roaming around outside. I should say our cats found her at 3:00 am one morning while looking out our bedroom window, growling and hissing to let us know she was out there. A few days passed, and she showed up again, so I had to do something.
Only about 6 months old, skinny, and starving, I could not leave her out there to fend for herself.
On a Saturday night, I got her, in a carrier and off we went to an emergency clinic to check if she had a micro-chip (owned), so I could possibly find out who owned her. No chip. She was so clean and friendly, not a feral cat- so I guess someone just dumped her in our neighborhood.
I cannot believe that anyone could just drop her off like that. These are domestic pets, not wild animals who live in the woods and can find food for themselves.
I do not believe that cats should be left outside. This comes from my previous background as a veterinary technician, and from having cats all my life.
Anyway, after a week of trying to place her in a home or a no-kill shelter, we got the call- a space had opened up for her at a shelter, but it was too late- we were already so attached, that we could not bring ourselves to take her.

Now I really didn't think we could afford another cat, or how they would get along, but all worked out fine. We found low cost care for vaccines, and to have her spayed. And of course kittens are alot of work, plus keeping her separate from our other cats, until we checked her for Feline Leukemia, and introduced her to the others, once she was vaccinated. And would you believe, her new best friend, is the one cat who was growling and hissing at the window!
All is well!

Note: There are always options if you cannot keep a pet. Here is a national information site to help if you need it. ASPCA

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