Change is good

It's been one crazy, busy week. I have felt physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. I guess it started with last weekend's show. I did well overall, but still felt like this was not the right venue for me. Doing outdoor shows can be very tiring. Especially if you are traveling to a show, and doing it all by yourself. Which is my situation. Sure my mom came with me the first day, but she cannot lift or help put up a show tent, so I'm on my own.
I started to question myself and my (physical) abilities. Talking with the general public for 7 or 8 hours a day can be exhausting too.
What is the burn out time for doing shows, I ask?

(picture of cruise ship I took as we drove over the Skyway Bridge; not bad for a moving car!)

So on Monday, I started training for a new part-time job. Training has been every night this week, plus still working my regular daytime job.
I have not unpacked from the show, or have had the desire to make any jewelry, until yesterday- and it felt good.
What a relief and good feeling to want to make something. I feel like I'm getting back in my groove.
So as things change, I'm doing my best to go with the flow, and keep my creative juices flowing.

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