Be grateful for the things you have

Today, is my usual work at home (in studio) day, but today things may go slow, or not get finished at all. I've been working on some new metalsmithed pendants, hoping to finish them today, especially since I have a small fundraiser show on Saturday.
I will not be able to finish them, as we have no running water in the house.
I guess we have a major pipe burst some where in our community, and they are working on fixing it. Although, I see no plumber's trucks, or city trucks, or anyone digging up the ground yet. We have been without water since Monday evening.

We really do take for granted, these things, such as indoor plumbing when we are accustomed to having them. You don't realize how much either, until you don't have it.
Just think how often we flush toilets, wash our hands and bodies, do dishes, drink water- I could go on. Today, I can't do any type of metalsmith work, because most of it requires water. A bowl to cool, a sinkful to rinse and scrub; not to mention, that I need to change my pickle in the pickle pot. So, I'll try to do some wire work, or something else that does not require so much water.

I like to try to be grateful to have indoor plumbing, and try to think of those who do not have access, to this "luxury".

A quick look at a few new jewelry items that may make it into my Etsy shop or my personal website today. Enjoy what you have---today.

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