I'm just not that into it

Weekly weigh in: weight loss: 0 weight gain: 1 lb.
"I'm just really not that into it", that's the thought that came into my mind as I sat in the WW meeting the other day. Sitting in a crowded room full of retirees and old people, while our group leader is saying, "let's have a hand for Mary; she's lost 5 lbs. this week!"
Yeah, yeah, like she has nothing better to do with her time, but take walks, golf, spend hours figuring out the points in food products and journaling everything she puts in her mouth.
Sure I sound negative, but I really am trying. I just can't do it all that well. Life's too short.
Even going to the weigh in and meeting can be annoying. It takes time to drive to the place. It's in an overly crowded shopping plaza. The meeting is always crowded.
I found this to be my attitude many years ago, when I joined a gym. It was a pain in the ass to get to, too crowded, and I spent too much time in the whole process. (I guess I like to use my time efficiently.)
So what I did years ago, was to purchase a mountain of video tapes (yes, it was that many years ago) and other fitness equipment and work out at home. This did work for me and saved (precious) time.
Now I kinda feel the same way about these WW meetings. So I cancelled my membership. I did pay for the entire month, so I will use it to my advantage, but frankly, I was planning to cancel anyway, because I just can't afford it.
I have the majority of what I need to eat right, count points, etc, and cookbooks, so I'm not giving up, just fine tuning what I think is right for me.
More on this, later.......

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I agree about using our time efficiently. I have a treadmill in our living room. I can even get a free gym membership through my work, but I still have to drive there and then drive home...too much time.
I love being able to hop on the treadmill when it is convenient for me...and then I'm done :)

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