Resolutions and cliche`s

Happy New Year to one and all!
With the beginning of a new year lots of folks like to look back on the past, and set goals or resolutions for the upcoming year. I am not big on resolutions. I don't know why, since I am big on setting goals.
But that all changes now as I announce my "cliche" of a resolution. I want to join Weight Watchers.
Many folks do this, of course, making it known that "this year" they will lose weight. May join a weight loss program or join a gym, just to fall off the wagon a few months later. (not everyone does) And I really, sincerely hope that I don't either.
I seriously need to loose about 50 pounds. I've been putting this weight on over the last few years, and I'm not getting any younger. I have done W.W. before, so I know the deal.
And I've been using excuses the last couple of years too.
I love to eat.
I hate writing it all down and keeping track of everything I eat.
I don't have time.
I don't have the money.
And quite honestly the last one is true. It costs a lot of money to eat healthy.
I can't live on "Ramen noodles" every day. I barely can pay the bills on my 2 day a week part-time job. And I can't rely on my jewelry business to cover the bills. It is slow and still in the growing stages.
So I think I will use this blog as a checking in , or diary of sorts and see what happens with it. This is a step in the right direction.
Now for my goals for 2012:
I plan to apply to every show I can, especially in the months of Oct.-Dec. which are the busy months; at least here in Florida. I have written a list up and will be checking them off, as I apply.
My other goal with my jewelry business, is to try to get into another gallery. I have one in mind and need to start working on this hopefully this month.
Wow, this seems like a long post!
And now for some eye candy; just a couple of new listings available:

Long sterling silver earrings. Lapis. clear quartz crystal

Earthy green glass bead earrings

Sterling silver. Green glass. Jade earrings

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I wish you the best in 2012! Exercise is on this girls list of goals too!!!
Good luck with all your shows as well :)

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