I joined

I finally joined Weight Watchers this week. With resistance, I might add. I kept making excuses for not going.
I'll join on Monday. Don't want to start on a weekend.
(Monday) I don't like the times of these meetings today. It doesn't fit into my schedule.
(Tuesday) Maybe I'll join after work. I'm already out, so I'll just stop by after work. But I'll be hungry at that time.
What if I don't get out of work on time to get to the meeting. This excuse is usually the one that is most true, because every time I plan something for after work, it never fails that we work late.
O.k. I'll do it tomorrow.
I did not let myself off the hook on Wednesday, and went. With skepticism, and probably a bad attitude too.
AND, I am not happy with the "new" 2012 program. Not only do you have to eat fruits and vegetables all the time, but now they are cutting back on carbs too.
Of course you can eat all the fruits and veggies you want, except for 3 which do have points, yeah, the 3 that are my favorites. Go figure.
I already hate chicken breasts.
My new way to cook them is in worcestershire sauce.
So, I'm about to go enjoy my "tasty" dinner now.
I'm a little bit off my usual blogging this week. It's been quite a busy week. And I just made a commitment to help a friend once a week. My life is full.
My stomach, at the moment, is not.

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I can identify with the excuses. My temptation is sugar. If I avoid that, the rest isn't too hard.
Erika said…
You are so funny. And this is so true. It is so easy to get caught up in the excuses. I finally said that I had enough.
I tried WW. I couldn't do it. I think I actually gained weight:)

Best of luck with your goal and WW!


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