Etsy Blogger's blog carnival~October

I'm torn between the 2 topics of choice to write about this month. The selections are offered to us by Deb, of Storybeader, and they are:
1) any new websites that you'd like to introduce us to? Everyone likes to find new places to visit!
2) tell us about your experiences on Etsy. What other teams, labs, and forums do you like to visit when you come by your shop. Recommendations or tips?
So, there are many websites I like, although may not be new ones; and the second choice, well, I have some mixed feelings right now about Etsy in general, and maybe should not go there as a topic. So let me introduce you to some sites you may enjoy or find helpful. These are some of my favorites.
For in expensive displays and boxes:

For unusual beads:

For jewelry making tutorials:

Favorites for nature, soul searching, self-care:

And for jewelry business tips of all sorts:

You can find more of my favorites in the side bar, just scroll down. Have fun and feel free to share with others!
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Kathleen said…
Thanks for sharing the links! Those boxes are really cool =)
storybeader said…
great links for beginners in jewelry making. Hope people see it. Sorry you're upset with Etsy - they're not my favorite admin. right now either. {:-D
Thanks for the to do some clicking :)
Linda E. Pruitt said…
Thanks for the links! Most are new to me. I will check out a couple of them.
tammy said…
I've always loved turquoise jewelry and I'm so glad I read this post - her jewelry is incredible, especially the necklace in the 7th picture. Thanks for sharing and I'll be sure to check out your tumblr.

silver snowflake earrings

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