Fold forming bracelets-in the process

I thought it would be fun to show you a few photos of these cuff bracelets as they go through some of the process. Hope you enjoy.

I start out with plain sheet metal.

This is after the cuff is formed and annealed. You can see all the fire scale.

After pickling, to remove the fire scale. It's a pretty salmon color, but does not stay that way.

Here are the finished bracelets after oxidizing and polishing.

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Beautiful work. I really love copper and cuffs. It would be a lot of fun to see more of your work in progress photos.
Very cool, I didn't realize these started out as a whole sheet. I love posts like this :)
Erika said…
These are really cool looking. I saw copper sheets yesterday and wondered what they could be used for--should have known someone crafty would have it figured out! They look great.
storybeader said…
they are beautiful bracelets. I wish I have the nerve to work with fire, but I'm nervous, I guess.
Rose Clearfield said…
Nice! It's always fascinating to see process posts.

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