I hate the summer heat

What can I say? When you live in Florida, you can expect warm or hot weather 365 days a year. And most of it can be quite pleasant. But summertime is NOT my favorite season of the year. Actually I hate this time of the year. It is soooo hot outside. It's already in the 90's here in June, and today for example, the heat index says that it will feel like 104 degrees. It's not just the heat mind you.
I've been in other areas of the country when it's been hot. I was in San Antonio, Texas, a couple of years ago in June, and it was hot. The temperature was probably higher than here, but it was very windy, so at least there was some air going around!
Here, in Florida, it's the humidity that's bad. You can go outside in the morning and it feels like there is no oxygen to breathe.
It's hot everywhere I go. To work: my boss keeps the temperature up high-to about 85 degrees, so in the morning we sweat, trying to get things done and in order to start the day. It takes about 2 hours for the building to come down to a workable 80 degrees. Although I'm still hot and sweaty. I guess being overweight doesn't help much either. It's even too hot to walk outside right now!

It is definitely too hot for me to do any type of art shows too. Unless it's indoors.
I sometimes wish I could take the summer off, stay inside, and just make jewelry until fall. (Keep wishing, Cindy)
And if that's not enough; it's now hurricane season!

The National Hurricane Center
has 21 named storms for this year. I just noticed that storm number 3 is named "Cindy". I begin to worry.
We have been lucky so far the past few years, on the west coast of Florida. And we could surely use the rain.
What part of the world do you live in? Is it hot there?
However, in the months that we do get cold temps, you can count on some windows being and staying open! We have a fireplace in the living room, and a wood burning stove in the master bedroom and use both, yet still with some windows open.
How we long to be able to move north...
Our seasons have fallen behind. Winter lasted til April and now summer hasn't shown up either! But maybe that means we'll have summer in October :)
Your newest follower,
My mother who lived in Naples, Florida for many years described the heat and humidity as a "wet blanket being thrown over your head."
I love the heat when I'm visiting and at the beach.
Once, our family visited Key West in the middle of Summer. We walked around sight seeing. The heat was so severe. We compared this severe weather to our severe cold. Amazingly, cats, with their thick coats of fur, were lying out in the sun--in the sun!
I do love Summer the best. I'm mostly OK with the heat. It's humid here, too, not as intense as Florida though. Here, our weather and temperature is inconsistent, so it's difficult to get used to any weather.