
Many people fear change. Whether it be changing a job, a home, a new car, or a new habit. We like to get comfortable and set in our ways. I read somewhere that a person will change jobs or professions at least 3 times in a lifetime.
I believe change is good. Change is growth. Change is learning new things. Now I'm not saying that change is easy. Sometimes I struggle to change a situation too.
But I do have a motto that I like to live by. I try to learn something new everyday. I feel that there is no growth unless I see, hear, or learn something each and everyday. It does not have to be profound, or a life shaking event. Maybe it is just seeing a new flower or bird that I've never noticed in my area before. Maybe it's learning a new word. Maybe it's discovering a street or neighborhood that I never knew existed. It could be learning a new jewelry technique, or craft or new exercise. It even could be just doing a cross-word puzzle! (We must exercise our brains, just like we do for our bodies!)
Take the time today to try and find something that is new to you. Pick up a book. I love to read. You can gain so much information from reading. I encourage you to be inspired today! Enjoy the world around you!

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Annette said…
Great post! You've inspired me to look at things different when I go out to run my errands later today!

Happy Friday!
Change can be scary, but we will never grow without change!
I'm with you on learning/finding something new everyday :)
The one thing in life which is constant is change.
I like the idea of learning something new everyday. I suppose I do. I just never thought of it that way.
storybeader said…
your post is so appropriate for me (see etsybloggers team thread)! I try something new all the time, though professionally, I'm stuck in my ways {:-D

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