2010~The year in review~

Looking back, it has been a year of ups and downs. I'm sure many will agree with me. It's been difficult financially, while working part-time and trying to build a jewelry business in a poor economy. This year has been filled with many emotional difficulties, and a few relationship issues too. I now realize that I did not journal as much as I had liked to. It is so therapeutic! I actually go my calendar off the wall to look back on events from the past year.
Speaking of my jewelry business; it has been a year of learning and growth. I've managed to get my jewelry into 3 local retail locations; 2 of which have prospered this year. I've discovered new venues to showcase my work, and took part in more arts and crafts shows this year than I originally thought I could manage to do. It is good to push yourself sometimes, just to see how much you can accomplish.
~Things I've learned~
No matter how much networking you do on-line with your product line, it is much easier to sell in person.
It's worth the investment to purchase a "knuckle buster", otherwise known as a manual credit card processor.
Having less doesn't mean you have to be unhappy.
Time is precious.
Be grateful for all the things and blessings you receive; every little small one counts!
Don't be afraid to be yourself! and
Don't give up before the miracle happens!
I wish you all a safe, happy, healthy, and prosperous new year with many blessings!

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Erika said…
Well said. I hope 2011 will be a better year for you in all of the above areas.
And congrats on the sales at the stores.
Kathleen said…
Happy New Year to you, too! Hope that the new year brings you many blessings!
storybeader said…
our lives look very similar! I had the same issues. Liked your comment about selling in person. I need to find more shows/festivals this year. That is a new resolution. Thanks for the nudge! Wishing you a happy and fulfilling year. {:-D
What a great post! I think we can all learn a thing or two from your words :)
Wishing you a wonderful 2011!!!
tamdoll said…
Happy New Year!

This is a great post - what you learned and reading about your accomplishments. I agree - it's good to push yourself. I believe we can do more than we give ourselves credit for sometimes.

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