This will make you laugh

The other day was a work day for me. Got up, got ready, went to work, worked a long 10 hour day, and came home. After dinner, I decided to take a shower. While undressing, what do you think I found in my bra?
Now some of you may guess; cat hair, a nail, (or worse) since I do work with cats, but no, pressed into my right breast was a long piece of steel shot! And I was unaware of this all day!

How it got there, I don't have any idea. I did not spill any. I do not rinse my jewelry where I do laundry. And I certainly do not wash my bras with my tumbling supplies!
What's the strangest thing you've ever found in your bra? Dare to share?
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That did give me a good laugh!!! Can't say I've found anything unusual in my bra lately :)
Anonymous said…
Lol! I used to have clients' hair in mine when I worked as a stylist, gross and itchy... Lately, I just get crumbs in there :)
Linda E. Pruitt said…
The stangest thing I have ever found in my bra is only in the right cup- - - - a silicone falsey! I'm used to it now, but I have to be careful when I bend over, or it might flip out on the floor!!!! :)
storybeader said…
I've got the opposite problem, Linda. It's so crowded in there... there's no room for anything else!
Erika said…
No, but I wish I could find a good piece of chocolate every now and then.
Alice said…
Just crumbs for me. Thanks for the laugh!
cindy said…
You guys made me laugh too. Thanks for the comments!

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