Tuesday's news

It's a dreary, drizzly day outside today here in Florida. It's the kind of day that makes me want to crawl under a blanket, light some candles and veg. But, I do have my list to do today, so first let me congratulate Sue W. who has won my bracelet giveaway! I just sent her a note and will be packaging up her new bracelet to send on its way.
Now here's a fun idea that I had for monthly specials in my Etsy shop. It's a BIRTHSTONE SPECIAL. Each month, I will post the birthstone/color and anything in my shop that is of the birthstone of the month's color will receive an additional discount off listed price. The only requirement is that the customer leave me a note, in the notes to seller of anything relating to the birthstone or color, for instance this month is sapphire, so you could put "sapphire", "blue", "Sept"., or something like that in the notes to get the special. And I've decided to continue to do FREE SHIPPING, for now at least.
I think I am going to make some changes to my shop, and more some items around, so I'll keep you posted on that. Have a good day!
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