The "Un" void

Since I really don't have a topic today, and yet wanted to blog, I really had no title so hence, you get the "un" void, 'cause I'm not in a voided type mood or action in my life right now. So you go figure.
Yes, I've been busy, I mean keeping up with all these social networks is time consuming. Writing detailed articles IS time consuming. Maybe I do feel like my blog's falling into a void. Is there anybody out there? I'm glad a few of you are joining in and taking the polls! Are we enjoying my posts on gemstone lore?

I thought about my day, what do I choose to accomplish or work on today? I must keep my priorities, but also remember "balance". Sometimes it's just good to do a little of each task, per day than to get totally absorbed in one thing and have it suck the life out of the day! I really hate when that happens. Then I find myself at the end of the day, still not feeling like I got anything done, I still have to cook dinner, feed cats, unwind, and get proper sleep.

Today, so far I feel balance, although I have a sense of wanting to fight it. I had a good morning, met some friends this a.m. as I have been doing every Monday morning since I've haven't worked a "day" job. I had to mail some packages, one to Belgium!
Applied for 2 jobs, had a late lunch, and decided that I wanted to blog. Oh, I did just order some Karen Hill Tribe silver, direct from Thailand, so I'll be waiting a while for that, I imagine!
I've made some new earrings and bracelets, most posted in my Etsy shop now. Have a look:

I even got my new bracelet mandrel! Boy is this thing heavy! I wouldn't have thought it would be this solid.

You may have noticed a couple of changes here on my blog. I've added the popular, follow this blog, so if you read this blog, please add yourself to this list. It's nice to see the different readers, and than I can go read your blogs too!
I've added an EVENT CALENDAR to the side bar which has events that I'll be at this fall. Oh did I mention that I've been accepted into 3 crafts shows? Yeah! This will be a new and hopefully fun and profitable venture for me. I'll keep you posted on those, with photos, of course! You can click on the events calendar which will take you there for all the information on shows I'll be at. That's it. Gotta run for today!
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