A little bit of this, and a little bit of that

Welcome to the unemployment line, AGAIN! So I'm jobless again. That didn't last long did it? And I'm kind of glad too, because I really wasn't happy there. It seems to me that I just don't like the every day 9 to 5, or in my case, 7-2pm drag of working in an office, under flourecent lights, etc. I just don't fit in to the norm of society! I can really feel the difference too, not just physically, but mentally. I've been cranky for the last 2 weeks. No energy. Angry.
I knew I needed some time in nature. This morning (in the heat) I took a walk around the ponds here. It felt so good to my soul. The green of the trees, the smell of the damp ground and woods, and the trickling of a little stream. This is telling me something!
On the same subject, the other day while web surfing I found this: "laughter yoga".
Have you ever heard of it? Take a look.
If the video doesn't load, click on the above link.
So I said to myself, "I've got to try this!"

If this video does not load, click on this link.

You may have noticed the POLL on the side bar of my blog. If you are a jewelry designer, please take the poll. I'm going to be doing other polls over time to get an idea about my readers, customers, what people want, etc.

If you ever scroll down my blog, you may noticed an ad for 1000 MARKETS. I now have a shop there too. You might want to browse over and check out my shop there.

For you jewelry junkies, here's my latest creations.

This sterling one is for me:

And I must give credit to my teacher, Stacy Perry for teaching me this technique.

And a cute new toogle style that I've created, all by myself!

Oh, and I almost forgot, this silver bracelet that I'll list in my Etsy shop later.

And last, before I go, I'll leave you with this video. It expresses how I felt a day or 2 ago.


Linda B said…
I'm kind of new to the Bloggers team. Do I send you my Blog Carnival Post or upload it there?

I haven't been included yet and am trying to meet requirements.

Linda B.

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