Jennifer Louden talks about self-trust

Finding time to do what's most important to you can feel impossible.

Another day goes by and you think, "Shoot! Another day and I didn't take _________________ (exercise, get rid of clutter, market your art)."

It's so easy to get down on yourself and lose confidence.

Every month at the Comfort Cafe we set an intention for the month and we check in about it, via the Not-Quite-So-Daily Dollops and the forums, offering ideas and support to stay focused and take simple action.

Today's Yummy Taste: Intention Setting Audio
Here's what Jen (who won a free trip to my Kripalu retreat, a perk of being a Cafe member) said about working with intention:

"Synchronicity is one way that I know beyond the shadow of a doubt I'm taking action based on what I want -- what comes from my heart.

I attended Jen's retreat at Kripalu this April. While there, it hit me that what I really wanted to be doing was teaching women how to connect to their inner wisdom through movement. The business I had was EXTREMELY different (I taught online marketing...).

After returning home, the desire to start this new venture got stronger and stronger. So I took action. And as I take more and more actions, more synchronicity pops up. Here are a few examples:

1. I felt the desire to start teaching more yoga. I was inspired to try a new yoga studio. Would you believe they needed a sub for the very next Saturday class??

2. I want to start my Yoga Teacher Training this fall... I need a program that's flexible and not residential... went online searched and found a local program that exactly fits what I need.

3. I decided I wanted to start an adult beginner jazz class. Walked into the studio and the owner said, "What do you think about starting up an adult class again?"

4. I felt the desire to offer healing sessions -- 2 past clients asked if, by chance, I was doing healing sessions.

It's amazing when you really start listening to your desire -- things really open up and flow."

See if this little sample of Intention setting -- drawn from our monthly call -- gets you to focus on what's most important to you this month and maybe you'll have synchronicity popping up in your life.

With comfort and love,


P.S. If you know self-care and self-kindness are important to you but elusive, join us and save $7 bucks a month -- but only until June 20th.

We'd love to have you!

Copyright 2009
PO Box 10065
Bainbridge Island, WA. 98110

This article reprinted with permission of Jen Louden.


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