Educational findings

Today I thought I would share with you some interesting web sites out there that I've discovered while reading other's blogs. The first being "The Bead Museum", located in Glendale Arizona, which showcases beads from around the world, the history of beads, their various cultural representations, and more. If you like history, and value art work, you must check out this museum. Here's their web address:
I found this information on the "Art Bead Scene Blog", another good read!

The next few good sites I found while browsing through a wonderful metal smith's blog:
where she sights one of her favorite places for gem resources (and great customer service) Wow! Great prices right now on gemstones! Raw and cut stones plus lots of information. And if you go to their "shop talk" page: there are lists of trade links, organizations, educational pages, gem resource information, guilds and more!

And if you go to Sharilyn Miller's "Wire Jewelry Lessons" blog: today, there is a great tutorial on making a bead chain necklace.

Lot's of good stuff to explore on-line! Enjoy!


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