Up coming Events part 2

January 29, 2009--A day of wasted time. My day started out good. I colored my hair early this morning, went to check out a farmers/fresh market. Got some good produce and stuff, but not a good place to showcase my jewelry.
This is where the "not so fun" of my day began. I have a list of items that I needed to buy for this weekend's PMC WORKSHOP that I'm attending, but first wanted to check out on line where I should go to purchase them at good prices, you know to save time, well my computer got funky and I spent about 1/2 an hour trying to reboot and got nowhere. So venture out I went. I had to go to 5 different stores to locate what I needed, then spent 3 HOURS in my car stuck in traffic! There was some sort of accident (the police and fire trucks had the road closed) and may I mention ONE BLOCK FROM WHERE I LIVE. The only other way to get to our condo is to go back around to the highway and circle all around, you see we live on one side of a lake and there is no way to "get across" it. You have to go out of your way a couple of miles and circle back around. And now it was rush hour, and raining. You must understand that people in Florida don't know how to drive in the rain. I guess to many (Floridians) it's like not being used to driving in the snow.
It's now 6:30pm and I'm finally home (with a big headache!).
I'm so far behind in what I wanted to accomplish!

Here's what's on my agenda: (I thought if I write it down, it will make me accountable to do it)
A February jewelry giveaway
A couple more Joyce Meyer giveaways (over a couple of months, I think)
Write an article about gemstones
Post new items to my Etsy shop (if I ever finish anything!)
And I wanted to mention that I'm now a member of SEUS (southeastern U.S. Etsy street team) Gotta find some logos for blog!

Well, Sarah's at it again with another wonderful blog post about "how I made it in the paper". Well worth a read: http://innovativemoma.blogspot.com/2009/01/extra-extra-read-all-about-it-how-i.html

I'm off to find an Etsy shop that makes soft material carrying cases for my new tools! Have a great night!


Unknown said…
Hello, just checking in after being out of commission from a cold, UGH! Love the posts I have missed! The kittens are too CUTE!
Oh, really dislike those kinds of days - my sympathies for your day of frustration!

I sometimes think the universe uses days like that to tell us to take some personal time! When I feel one of "those days" coming on I try to do that - if I don't have a pressing deadline!

As an artist like you I found that if I push myself to work on days that just want to be troublesome the end result is often a waste of time.

As a professional artist, this isn't always possible and you learn to work through but - man! - if you're trying to do something truly creative it's like wading through jello!

cindy said…
You're absolutely right! Now if I could only learn to accept that message I probably would do better! And I know that I can't push creativity!

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