Picture of the Week

What I have learned during these tough economical times:
A job title does not give you personal worth.
I learned how to not waste food and make due with what I have and be creative in the kitchen.
I have enough material "things"- actually more than enough, so that I can share with others.
I learned to trust and have faith, that all things will work out o.k.
True happiness does not come in the form of a dollar bill.
True friendships are more important than material "things".
Here's what I'm learning:
-we need to focus on what we can do individually to help the collective 'pie' grow;
-if we listen to the media, we're doomed and depressed. better to turn off tvs and get to work;
-there's peace and contentment in a job well done;
-helping others helps ourselves;
-having too much stuff cluttered around me clutters up my mind;
-a streamlined home, closet, fridge, and desk keeps me calm, serene, and the creativity flows;
-without my own sanity and contentment, nothing else 'works'. Striving for balance within self to balance everything/everyone else
-sleep, exercise, and eating regularly (3 things I forget to do) should be easy enough to do and the benefits are too numerous to list;
-i am my own worst enemy! must not stand in my own way.
It's amazing what we can learn to live without in the material sense when we have to, isn't it?
Have a Beautiful Night!
"Get out of your cave KIM" Oh the fresh air, wonderful new friends, the joy of giving more, the security that having all the answers isn't the answer.
I'm on my way baby even as I fall down to where ever I am going. What an adventure. I am exciting not knowing what's around the corner.
Random side note: who comes up with thes word verifications anyway. Computers probably. Last one was zipmay? Odd.