Open house, photography woes, and soap

I'm preparing for my upcoming jewelry open house. I've read in many articles that say some jewelry designers will make a large percentage of their sales for the year during this kind of event. So with the holiday season upon us, I decided to do my first open house. Lot's of preparations: cleaning, tagging all my jewelry, doing a pre-set up of the table, etc. I'm decorating with Christmas in mind; hopefully to get everyone in a festive mood. I've invited around 160 people, sent 100 post cards out, and will prepare finger foods, hot and cold snacks. I'm having it on Saturday afternoon for a period of 4 hours. If anyone will be in the Tampa Bay area and would like to stop by, please email me, and I'll give you the address and directions.
My photography woes... sometimes I think my camera has a mind of it's own. I mentioned my struggles taking good photos the other day, so I revisited my new pieces and like the results better. You can see at the sidebar (of my Etsy shop) how the tourmaline pieces look much better on the black background. I used my trusty wrought iron candle holder again! It works well. Then I got on a brass and vintage kick. I made a number of earrings, and tried to photograph them on what I thought would make a pretty background, (and sometimes does). I used an open book and sat the jewelry on a page; with a somewhat beige background, not white paper. And I've taken pictures like this before with success, but not yesterday. I'm sure that I took over 100 pictures, but I found a new photo prop! A bar of soap! What a great idea. I could stick the ear wires into the soap to position the earrings better, which proved to have good results. And the fragrance was pleasant too! One of my new bars from Magic Hands Workshop, "apple cider". Thank you, Magic Hands!

These new items will be listed in my Etsy shop later today. If anyone else has ever used an unusual item to take photos, I'd love to hear about it! Well, I'm off to start my busy day!


Anonymous said…
Hi Cindy!
The open house sounds great and like a lot of work, I hope it goes well for you! Taking pics can be such a pain. It is definitely NOT my favorite part of "the job". And, thanks for "having my back" on my blog yesterday.
Kristen said…
Hi Cindy!
Good luck on your Open House. I did one too last year with much success! I love your soap idea! That's great! I may have to borrow that, if you don't mind! Have a great night!

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