July 4, 2008

Well today won't be a patriotic post by any means. Politics --not my forte. So I'll tell you about my morning walk today. Me and my husband live off a nature preserve here and I've been seeing this deer around lately, just out in the open during day hours just grazing. Seemed weird to me to see her not afraid of cars and all. So this morning I went out real early (on my deer search). Plus I need to walk more. 1. Need more exercise in my life. 2. Need more nature in my life.
We have 2 ponds and lots of walking paths in our condo community here. First I spotted a rather large possum. And then I saw a really large hawk, which almost looked like a falcon to me. We have lots of birds around here. I love to listen to them sing. Then around the corner of the second pond I found my deer! She stopped grazing, looked at me, me at her and she wiggled her cute striped tail. Moved a few steps away, I moved a few steps closer; finally she went into the woods. What's funny is that she's more afraid of people on foot than when I first saw her from my car. So I went as far as I was planning to walk for today, and turned around, she was around the back of some of the villas! Right up near some people's back yards!
We spotted each other again, and she slowly started to come around to the front of the houses, and I was walking back towards them, and when I got to the cross road, we came almost face to face!
She got scared and trotted across the street, with her little hooves going, "click, click, click", but headed for the open road. She stayed on the grassy area and started plucking at a tree. And this was towards my way of walking back, so I just went slowly towards her. I guess she finally had enough of this game, and retreated into the woods. For now anyway. We'll have to wait until my next walk to see what happens!
I love getting connected with nature. It really helps me get grounded, to think clearly, and just to enjoy the sounds and smells of early morning. Which in turn may help my creativity flow as well. Have a nice 4th of July holiday!


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