The Traveler's Gift~ a book review

The Traveler’s Gift, by Andy Andrews
Seven decisions that determine personal success
David Ponder, a man down on his luck and in despair, experiences a personal miracle that not only changes his life, but has the potential to change others and the world itself.
The author weaves a tale of near death experiences, time travel, and adventure. Using historical characters and facts, he introduces the main character and the reader to seven decisions that one can take to determine personal success in life.
This is a prelude to “The Final Summit”; where Andrews continues David Ponder’s journey. I so enjoyed reading “The Final Summit”, that I had to read more from this uplifting, inspirational writer. I must say that I enjoyed “The Traveler’s Gift” even more than “The Final Summit”. I found it exciting, and intriguing to learn more about the main character, his personal history and past time travels. This story also has a great climatic ending.
I give it 5 out of 5 stars.
As such a great inspirational writer, Andy Andrews has authored many other books, and is known for being a sought after inspirational speaker as well. To learn more about him, click here.