Etsy Blogger's featured blogger for July is "Sykin"

Welcome to this month's featured Etsy Blogger! Meet Missie, of Sykin. She is a mother, full time worker, who creates jewelry inspired by books and music, and a wonderful photographer as well! (She keeps real busy!) Her shop "Sykin's One Stop Twilight Shop"
features Twilight inspired items such as these:

In her other shop, "Sykin's NW Wonders" you'll find items and photography from the Pacific northwest.
Here's a couple of my favorites:

Her blog, is another place to find her. She features different types of products daily that are available from other shops on Etsy. A shopping guide, if you please.
So, enjoy your journey browsing her shops; and leave a comment on her blog!
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I just love her new photography shop!
fun items! The photos are wonderful!
storybeader said…
thanks for the introduction! Great feature!
Missie said…
Thank you so much for the fantastic feature!

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