Classic Wisdom for the Professional Life edited by Bryan Curtis

What a great book of inspirational quotes by many famous people. This is a compilation of pages and pages of wisdom from authors, presidents, sports figures, entrepreneurs, cultural leaders, and the like.
I really enjoyed reading this book. The quotes are not just inspirational to professional people in the business world, but also, they grasp the sense of good values, and positive traits that all persons should strive for in their lives. Some of the quotes make you think and ponder over them.
The book is presented in a non-descriptive cover, subtle, yet attractive. It is an easy read, not overly stuffed with nonsense, or too much content. You could read a page a day for inspiration, or daily meditation.
It is not a biblical book at all, in my opinion, just great reading. I would definitely recommend this book to all who wish to aspire to a greater level of success, whether it is in a business situation, or not. This would make a great gift book as well. Maybe a coffee table book even. I know that I will be keeping it on my desk for inspiration, and a boost of confidence when needed.
I am a member of "BookSneeze", formerly Thomas Nelson book reviewer bloggers.

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