Etsy blogger's September 25 Blog Carnival

We were asked this month to talk about our studio space where we create, and what we like or wish we could improve or have. My space is kind of small, I mean I use an office corner/dining room space. I have an L shaped desk which is multi-functional, as it is used as my work bench, office, computer and printer space.

As you can see, my chests and tools which overlook into the kitchen; on that counter I have my tumbler, dapping tools, etc. To the right of this photo is table top work space and my computer area.

As you can see, one of our cats has decided to get comfortable on top of the printer!

But, my work space does tend to spill over into the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room. Like I said, I use table space in the kitchen for tumbling, and oxidizing, the bathroom for rinsing, (I was warned about spilling steel shot down the kitchen sink and ruining the garbage disposal, so I decided on the bathroom for this task.
Then I sometimes have to use the laundry room. This is where all the power tools are kept.
Realistically, this works, although I don't get complete privacy to work, with cats wanting to jump up and attack wire as I'm working. Ideally, I would love to have a room, with a door, and windows all to myself, but that's just not feasible at this time. Our spare bedroom is used as a game room, except for the storage space I use for completed jewelry, more supplies and most recently, outdoor show supplies. What kind of work space/creative space do you have? Love to hear comments!
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Jordan said…
Awesome work space! Looks very organized!
Anitra Cameron said…
Your space reminds me a bit of my own, minus the cat. Of course, I'm totally envying you that beauty!
storybeader said…
I'm crowded in my house too. Our spare bedroom... I guess you could call it a game room. The tv lives there!

Your jewelry is beautiful, no matter how much space you have! {:-Deb
cindy said…
Thanks you guys for all the comments! Makes me feel good!
Great seeing your space :)
Erika said…
Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a dream space to work? I find myself daydreaming of shelves and tables and...sorry I got carried away:)
I tend to work all over my house, too. good to know I'm not alone. Your desk and bead storage containers look very well organized!
cindy said…
Yes, I like organization. I can't work in a mess! Quite the type A personality!

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