Can you believe it?

December 18: I just can't believe that Christmas is next week! I wanted to post something today, since I normally only post a couple of times a week, and usually when I have something to say, show off new jewelry pieces I've made, or just catch up. So I'm participating in a "blog experiment" this week with my new friends at B-who-U-R, a new social network, and wanted to check in just so every one's knows that I'm still here and participating!
I must tell you all, that I love reading your blogs; they are so inspiring to me. Sometimes just what I need to get me going again. And always good for a laugh as well!
So this week I've been on a couple of interviews for work. One I'm hoping for (it's part-time and would allow me lots of time to work on my jewelry business), the other one almost made me sick to my stomach. I don't want to work in my chosen field. At least not now. And not full time. So why did I even bother to send them my resume? I really don't know. But what I do know (from my gut feeling), is that I must follow my dreams, my heart, and my desires, and do what I love. Again, it never amazes me that the universe has us "right where we are suppose to be".
I came home, took a nap, got up and continued to read a little in my current book that I'm reading, "I dare you", by Joyce Meyer. I wanted to share a little of what I read today: concerning being enterprising: "To be enterprising is to keep your eyes open and your mind active. It's to be skilled enough, confident enough, creative enough, and disciplined enough to seize opportunities that present themselves...regardless of the economy". It goes on to say, "You need the courage to see things differently, to go against the crowd, to take a different approach, to stand alone if you have to, to choose activity over inactivity." It ends by saying,"by doing so, you will increase your confidence, your courage, your creativity, and your self-worth--your enterprising nature." This quote taken from motivational speaker, Jim Rohn, Jim Rohn International 2001 copyright.
No pictures today, I'll be back tomorrow, or the weekend hopefully with new projects to show you.
PSSSSSSST!!! I will be having a GIVEAWAY starting the Monday after Christmas. Please stop by then to find out more!


Unknown said…
I Dare You is a GREAT book! It's one of those I need to read atleast once a year! It'll keep me on my toes!
I can't believe it. I have only purchased 5 gifts. Big shopping night tomorrow evening.

I'm just not into stuff lately
camiropa said…
It is true that you have to stand up for who you are, what you want, even if its to stand apart from the crowd while doing so.... and when you do that, and you're true to yourself, opportunities begin presenting themselves... I'm living proof of that.

Also, I wanted to comment on your sending the resume out and wondering why you had even done that, after you realized you didn't even want to do that job... Seems at face value like you shouldn't have sent the resume at all, right? But maybe you needed to do that, maybe the universe needed to confirm your gut feeling, you hunch to you that you really were no longer on that path...

I am going to get the I Dare You book, sounds right up my alley.

As for Christmas, I feel really behind the 8 ball this year and my heart and mind are just not into it this year; there's still 6 days, maybe I'll get with the program before its too late!?
I so sympathize with you and your interviewing/job hunting dilemma. It is such a difficult time for self-employed creative types but I'm with Casey (Just Me): Follow Your Passion and Your Heart because true success comes from these two places and no where else! Trust and believe - your talent and creativity was not given to you as a lark, it was given to you for a reason!

You might enjoy my blog, Life Is Like Art - It's All In How You Look At It where I relate my growth in positive thinking to my life as an artist. I've been a little remiss posting there lately due to a sudden and huge move to a new home and state but I'll be back soon posting new art and new revelations!

PS - thanks for stopping by The PopArtDiva Blog and commenting!
Nancy T said…
Terrific advice! And I will definitely get the book I Dare You. Thanks for telling us about it!
Stephanie said…
You are all such wonderful women! Great advice and I happen to agree. I'll have to check into the book. Thanks for sharing!

And remember to B-who-U-R! ;)
It is so nice to find your blog. I enjoyed your article and wish you the very best is what ever opportunity comes about. We all need content reminders to believe in ourselves and use and enjoy our God given talents.
Nancy T said…
Congratulations! You have been presented the award:
Your Blog Is Over The Top
Beth Anderson said…
So glad to be a new commenter on your blog. I look forward to reading more.

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