It started out good today

I walked today 2.75 miles. Cut out the last little street I usually walk. I felt good this morning: I had energy, was awake, and in a good frame of mind. Unlike the other day when I walked, as I felt weak, and kind of sick. Today seemed like a better day. One mile in, doing good, then it hit- I have to pee. And I just went before I left the house! So the last mile back seemed challenging. I sped up coming back, and maybe over did it. Got tired, winded, overheated. It's at that difficult spot where you know that you still have a mile to get back to the house, and you don't know if you'll make it. I did. I hope this doesn't happen if I'm in a race, but at least there will be people there in case I get stuck. So I stopped briefly and took the photo above.

Did everything right, I think; stretched before and after, and did 100 sit ups. Breakfast was oatmeal, with half an apple and cinnamon.
I'll get much more exercise today and this weekend, as I have an art show and will be doing all the set up and tare down alone. I hope it's a great show. See Art Harvest, Dunedin for details.

To read my previous post, go here.

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