
Showing posts from February 13, 2011

Summa and Magna: DFAC Student and Member Exhibition

The Dunedin Fine Arts Center is currently having their student and member exhibition. It is one of their biggest shows of the year. And since I am a member, and current student, I've entered one of my favorite "art" necklaces to the show. "Rebirth of the Goddess" I went to the show opening on Friday night. Lots of really cool art, paintings, pottery, mixed media, and jewelry. None of the jewelry won any awards. But there were some great works of art displayed. Here is my piece on display. Not a great photo; I took it with my cell phone. The show will run for a month, and many of the art works are available for sale. (Mine included) A glimpse of me, on the side of the display. So if you're local, or will be in the area, please stop by the Arts Center and check out all the wonderful local talent.