Etsy Forums~Just for beginners?

The Etsy forums is a place where sellers and buyers can go to browse topics, search out groups, teams, featured merchandise, or ask questions. Some groups are closed to members only, while others are open so all can read through them.
I've been a member of Etsy since 2008, and belong to 29 teams, yes, 29. And lately, I have to ask myself, why do I bother posting in the forums? Are they just for beginners to get information about how to run an Etsy shop? Are they just there so shop owners can connect with other shop owners and chat? (Must be nice to have all that extra time.)

I belong to some groups that appear to be "dead" as in no one but myself and maybe another member ever post in them. What happened to the moderator? What has happened to the group? Why are they still existing? This seems to be misleading to other members if this group is indeed, "dead", shouldn't something be done, like closing the group so others don't waste their time posting to it?

More time wasters: Post 3 favorite 3 or 5 or 10. I guess this will get some movement, ie: "likes", "hearts", in your shop, but are people actually buying? I find that the only one's doing this "hearts game" are other sellers. And I rarely make a sale.

Lisa Jacobs of "Marketing Creativity" writes, "stay out of the forums", in a blog post entitled, "Etsy Seller Mistakes I’ve Made (So You Don’t Have To)". You can read her entire post here. Lots of great advice.

I'm seriously considering taking her advice.

Another way to look at it: I guess I could ask myself, do I want to be a mentor? I do have a lot of experience under my belt after 8 or 9 years of being on line, making jewelry and selling. And I do participate and answer newbie questions from time to time. I have also started a couple of forum topics in a few groups under "business questions", when I do post relevant material. If you're new to Etsy, I would recommend the "Seller's Handbook",
joining a few teams to better your knowledge of Etsy, such as, Etsy SEO and Relevancy, Etsy Success, and a team that is specific to your product niche, and I highly recommend Lisa Jacobs and Megan Auman.

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Vanessa said…
Thanks so much for sharing these awesome tips with us! I found the forums to be helpful (yes, even the spammy ones) for increasing followers/likes though not necessarily sales. There are definitely better methods for a big traffic boom and certainly better ones for sales but they can be helpful.

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